Corona Chamber Foundation
Committee Chair: Palbinder Badesha, Express Employment Professionals, palbinder.badesha@expresspros.com

Education/Workforce Development
Mission: To examine ways to develop a strong and resilient workforce that meets the needs of current and emerging businesses. This will be done with collaboration between educational institutions and industry.
Committee Chair: Palbinder Badesha, Express Employment Professionals, palbinder.badesha@expresspros.com

Healthcare Committee
Committee Chair: Ruth Jaffe, Kaiser Permanente, ruth.j.jaffe@kp.org

Innovation & Technology Committee
Committee Chair: Dr. Tim Gramling, California Baptist University, tgramling@calbaptist.edu

Manufacturing Committee
Mission: To bring the Manufacturing Community together to collaborate and communicate with one another in order to help improve overall business operations, to learn and grow from the peer counseling of one another and to provide solutions to problems they may face.
Committee Chair: Chad Miller, Agiliti, chad.miller@agilitihealth.com

Restaurant Committee
Mission: Our focus will be to support our restaurant members and the restaurant community through the following
- Supporting legislation that is business friendly and opposing laws that are a detriment to the restaurant industry.
- We will highlight individual restaurants who are members of the chamber throughout our various social media platforms.
- We will provide resources for our restaurant members specific to the restaurant industry.
Committee Chair: Marta Cortez, Eduardo’s Mexican Restaurant. cortez_ma@yahoo.com

Young Professionals Committee
Mission: A group of young professionals that are driven and business-focused to advance their knowledge, seek guidance and extend their network reach in the business community.
Committee Chair: Jesse Ramirez, Southern California Project Strategies, jesse@socalprojectstrategies.com