Representing the Interest of Business with Government
Promoting Political Action for a Favorable Business Climate

Started in 2017, the CORONA 2020 plan was enacted by the Corona Chamber in partnership with the City of Corona to focus on three key areas of development: Employment | Health Care | Infrastructure. Working together, the community of Corona can help attract career building jobs, improve heath care, and continue to improve our public spaces and infrastructure. Our strategy is to analyze opportunities for Corona to improve, bring leaders together to share their expertise, and create measurable progress towards goals. This is one of the efforts by the Legislative Action Committee.
By 2020
- The partnership will work with employers to attract or develop 7,000 jobs by the end of 2020. The average Corona worker commutes almost 36 minutes to and from work.
- The partnership will work with physicians and leaders to attract up to 50 new practices here. Increasing the quality of care in Corona is vital to our future.
- The partnership will work with leaders to eliminate 1,000,000 hours of traffic from local roads and the 91/15 corridor. Saving energy and wasted time will make every life better.
Are you hiring (or have you hired) for NEW net jobs? We're tracking job growth in Corona, so if you've added to your team since September 2017, please fill out this form or complete the fields below so we can recognize you for your efforts in our growing community!
In completing this brief form, you will be contacted for possible recognition for your contributions to employment growth. We track and report our findings on a quarterly basis.